Patriotic Artwork

Chad Hawkins is very well known for his Temple Artwork among the LDS community. He is generally know for religious artwork, and you can find plenty of it on the website. However, something many people don’t realize is that Chad Hawkins also does some incredible patriotic artwork. His most notable achievement so far was the US Army War College Commission in 2011 to create the official painting for their graduating class.


Patriotic Architecture


Chad Hawkins is most famous for his artwork of LDS Temples, but he also has a few pieces of patriotic buildings like this one of the white house. This painting is one of five paintings in an art series called A Rising Sun. The rising sun brings with it the birth of a new day, symbolizing the birth of the United States of America. Each painting in this series captures the rising sun of a new day. The purpose of the series is to create a renewed appreciation and commitment to the constitutional principles that this nation was founded upon.


Constitutional History




This painting, titled The Assembly Room, is also a part of the series A Rising Sun. Notice the presence of the sunrise visible through the windows. The series is meant to emphasize and symbolize the miracle of the constitution, which this painting does quite nicely!


Military Artwork

In 2011 Chad Hawkins earned the prestigious commission to create a masterpiece for the Army War College 2011 graduating class. The painting above is that painting, which also honored the 10 year anniversary of US forces serving in Afghanistan. Chad was also able to have the opportunity to spend some time in Afghanistan while doing research for his publication “Faith in Service” for Deseret Book.

Chad has incredible experience with artwork in general, and his patriotic artwork pieces are truly inspiring! Browse the Chad Hawkins website to see which might make a good addition to your home!


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