Salt Lake Temple (Lights at Temple Square)
Salt Lake Temple (Lights at Temple Square)

Salt Lake Temple (Lights at Temple Square)

  • Price: $0.00

The original 34" x 58" painting of The Lights at Temple Square, created by using a transparent technique, is one of a series by the artist Chad Hawkins. In 1989, at the age of seventeen, Chad started this unique temple series, becoming the original LDS artist to involve hidden spiritual images in his artwork.

In the spirit of the season, the artist has placed the wise men in the western sky. As they journey forth, “. . . the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was” (Matthew 2:9). 

“The purpose of this painting,” comments the artist, “is to capture the joyful spirit of Temple Square during the holidays that center around the birth of our Savior. I hope that this painting will remind many of their individual cherished memories of going to the square to enjoy the atmosphere with their loved ones. I invite you to step into the picture, feel the spirit of Christmas, and enjoy your visit to Temple Square.” 


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