The Hague Netherlands Temple Painting
The Hague Netherlands Temple Painting
The Hague Netherlands Temple Painting
The Hague Netherlands Temple Painting

The Hague Netherlands Temple Painting

The Hague Netherlands Temple is one of a series of detailed pencil drawings and paintings created by the artist Chad S. Hawkins. In 1989, at the age of seventeen, Chad started this unique temple series, becoming the original LDS artist to involve hidden spiritual images in his artwork.

Chad visited Holland during the spring of 2004. In spring, the warm sun gently coaxes the green growth back to the surface. Expansive fields of blossoms burst forth again covering the level landscape with ubiquitous floral and bulb gardens and fields. The artist’s research for the painting included visiting many of these massive fields of color. There he sketched and studied the world famous Dutch spring flowers.

The artist’s two week tour of Holland allowed him the opportunity to be the guest speaker at many church gatherings. As he met with local members, he gathered suggestions about what hidden meanings should be included within this painting. At their request, Chad painted several items referencing water. Subtly among the distant trees is  a uniquely Dutch windmill. The presence of a canal behind the temple is evidenced by three swans. Two other references include a small rainbow within the midst of the foreground fountain and the wave-like pattern in the distant clouds above the temple. All of these references refer to this determined nation’s long time effort to hold back the sea.

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